Making a difference with June Dresses

It’s the start of a brand-new month and the beginning of an amazing fundraiser! I’m participating in June Dresses: 30 days, 30 dresses, all to help empower women through dress. The concept has ladies pledge to wear a dress or skirt everyday for the month of June. Being confident in what you wear goes a long to give power to girls and women. And as the movement grows, more ladies will be part of the cause and help to give back to other women in their community.
I’m lucky to have an extensive wardrobe and know how great a good outfit can make you feel in any scenario: at work, at home or at play. But there are many women who are not as fortunate to get this feeling – whether due to finances, home situation, health issues and more. I’m really happy that the funds raised from this year’s June Dresses will be distributed through the United Way of Calgary to the following women’s charities: Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association, Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter, Women in Need Society and the Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary.
Below I will be posting a new photo everyday for June Dresses. I’d appreciate your support with a donation for me (even if it’s just a dollar or two). Wish me luck!
UPDATED: After the full month of June I have managed to wear a dress everyday and raise $1,000 for Calgary charities! Thanks to everyone for the support!