Send your support to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

I don’t get political very often, so I hope you’re open to reading about this. Feel free to ignore, but this is something that I cannot do myself. Peace ☮
Being brave ain’t easy
Telling the truth can seem like such a simple thing to do, but is often much more difficult than can be imagined. This was none too evident when Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee about the truth of what happened to her back in 1982.
I believe in women, supporting women, and lifting women to reach new levels. I absolutely believe Dr. Ford and her truth. That’s the power of #metoo in finding the truth. That’s why I felt compelled to take part in Greta Jane Paper Co.’s letter writing campaign to send words of support to Dr. Ford. The awesome Melanie behind Greta Jane put together a beautiful greeting card specifically for Dr. Ford bearing a very fitting caption:
“It was so hard, but you spoke your truth anyway and I think you’re really brave.”
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was unbelievably brave.
Reading and watching the hearings was utterly heartwrenching and distressing to follow along. To have your memories, credibility, and entire background put to the test all so you can do the right thing and share the truth is no easy feat. Knowing that Dr. Ford is still receiving death threats for her credible and honest testimony is beyond saddening. To be able to send her a handwritten note of thanks, love and encouragement was just one small way I can reach out to support a very brave woman.
The world needs more brave people like Dr. Ford.
Thank you to Greta Jane Paper Co. for the amazing card. If you would like to send your own note to Dr. Ford, here is the snail mail address:
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
c/o Palo Alto University
1791 Arastradero Rd.
Palo Alto, CA