25 Places in Canada Every Family Should Visit

Oh Canada! Our home and native land is a bounty of endless adventures and landscapes to enjoy. With #Canada150 just around the corner, Canada has been named as the go-to destination for international and Canadian tourists alike. Our sesquicentennial celebration means a stay-cation is top of mind for many locals looking to enjoy all that Canada has to offer.
Local writer Jody Robbins has taken out the guesswork for us with her new book 25 Places in Canada Every Family Should Visit. Exactly like the title says, Jody has put together a list of 25 places to visit in Canada – a mix of traditional locales with some unheard of (at least for me) and far flung experiences across our vast nation.
When I first opened the book, I was treated to this lovely illustrated map of Canada outlining the 25 pinpoints I was about to read about. The patriotic side of me got giddy as I checked how “Canadian” I am for the places I have already been to: British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec. Having only accomplished a fraction of what’s on the list, I’m super impressed that Jody has been to every province and pulled together all these destinations into one book for consumption.

That’s one thing a newspaper article or a blog post isn’t able to do so succinctly as this travel book. The book is very simply and neatly organized into the 25 destinations closing off with an entire section of travel tips such as surviving road trips or how to pack like a pro. Each destination comes with food, lodging, and transportation recommendations. The part I found most unique and helpful are the “Get Excited for your Trip” tidbits. Jody provides all sorts of cultural reference points from children’s books, Youtube clips, movies, websites and other referrals to help get yourself immersed in your destination before you go. I now know to read David Suzuki’s Salmon Forest before hitting up the Parksville-Qualicum Beach and find the inspiring art of Roy Henry Vickers to prepare for a visit to the BC coast.
With each of the suggested locations, Jody provides options that work for all members of the family, young to old, rather than catering the experience to only “adult tastes or kiddie favourites.” In reading through the different sections, I found myself going through the suggestions listed for places like Edmonton or Victoria which I have travelled to. In most cases, I readily agreed with the recommendations having done most of them myself. Using this as a frame of reference was helpful in learning about the new places I haven’t heard of like the Outaouais region of Quebec or places I haven’t planned on going to like Regina.
Like any list, there are bound to be locations that you don’t agree with or just are not interested in. But the beauty of 25 Places in Canada Every Family Should Visit is that there really is something for everyone. And unless you have the unlimited travel funds to get to all these places this year, Jody Robbins’ book will prove handy for many years to come as you vacation plan and explore Canada.
You can find 25 Places in Canada Every Family Should Visit by Jody Robbins at the following retailers in and around Calgary:
- Walmart
- Chapters Indigo
- Pixie Hollow in High River
- Shelf Life Books on 4th Street
- Owl’s Nest Books in Brittania Plaza