Why you need to go to Camp Hooha

You haven’t been to the most amazing women’s networking event until you’ve been to Camp Hooha. Think of it as Girl Guides for adults – but you get to learn about an educational grownup topic while drinking wine and earning badges. It’s probably been a while since you’ve been away to camp, so it’s time to find out what you’ve been missing out on at Camp Hooha.
Camp Hooha is where my girls at
First off, Camp Hooha is just for the ladies! Think about the name a little and then it should all just make sense (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).
It’s a safe space for women to get together for the evening and be able to ask questions among other women who may have the same questions. There are women of all ages that attend making for a boisterous and vibrant evening to make new friends and build camaraderie with other passionate ladies.
Learn something new and fun
The event series is the brainchild of Mel McKay (the head Hooha if you will). Mel wanted to bring together women for an evening of fun and learning unlike any traditional corporate networking event. And what was more fun than going off to summer camp to make new friends and learn new skills?
Each evening is themed around a specific topic such as taking care of your skin or how to wear denim. A talented speaker(s) shares their knowledge on their respective topic usually in a very entertaining and interactive format.
It has become so popular that Mel now runs regular events in Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon and more! Some of my favourite Hooha events that I have been to include talks on S-E-X, how to find the perfect bra, and home improvement tips.

Show off your badge
And because you learn something new at each event, you get to take home a custom badge that represents each topic you have now learned. These iron-on beauties can be shown off on bags or denim jackets as a sign of your Camp Hooha expertise.
Experience new local places and spaces
Camp Hooha has branched out into a variety of events such as tours at the Smithbilt hat factory, paint nites with local artists and even a summer camp for adults. How awesome is that?
Cheers to Camp Hooha
There’s booze involved, obviously.
So what are you waiting for? Tickets for the monthly events sell out quickly so make sure to sign up for their newsletter to get the latest deets. Hoo-ha, hoo-ha!